Our Mentor

"Moving encyclopedia of Ayurved"
Vaidya Hitesh Jani
Ayurvedacharya Vaidya Hitesh Jani is Ex - Principal & Head of the Department (Panchkarma) from Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. With the thought that the role of vaidya is just not only to cure the human being but also to prevent and promote wellness in society. The same thought was of our ancient Rishi's who always worked for the wellness of mankind and gave us Ayurved in textual form. Presently, he holds various Government and Non-Government Honorary positions and does extensive study, research, training, and awareness work to promote Ayurveda in India. He has treated thousands of patients worldwide suffering from lifestyle disorders for over four decades through Classical Ayurveda.In 2007, he got the International Excellence Award for Ayurveda, Singapore, for his contribution to promoting Ayurveda. In 2012, Swargiya Moropant Pingade -Gauseva Puraskar, for Gau Vigyan Research. In 2017, Gau Chaturmas Award, Awarded by Pujya Shankracharyaji, Raghveshwar Bharti Saraswati. We are lucky to have such kind and knowledgeable vaidya in the present era also, who work so much for mankind's wellness.